Abstract submission
1. Abstracts in English are only accepted for publication!
2. Abstracts along with illustrations, tables and references should not exceed 2 pages of A4.
3. Abstracts should be made out strictly as in the template (download), where each text element has its own section (for Header - PaperTitle, for References - PaperAuthors etc.). Please, keep these styles during formatting your abstract.
Special characters ¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹ should be used in the sections “Authors” and “Organization”. They can be copied and pasted as necessary from the template.
You should add the keywords for your abstract before the main text. It is necessary for the promotion of your science work.
Margins for text: top - 1.5 cm, bottom - 2.5 cm, left – 3 cm; right – 1.5 cm.
4. Pictures (vector or raster) can be in color or grayscale variant. Permitted formats are JPG, TIFF, PNG with 300 dpi and line’s thickness higher than 0,5 pt.
Don’t do figure captions in graphic editors.
5. Use inbuilt formula editor for equations and formulas.
6. References should be numbered according to their appearance in the text. Numbers should be placed in square brackets in the text.
7. Please don’t number pages of your abstract.
8. Add prepared abstract as attached file in the report submission at website personal account.
Please, edit and format your abstract carefully! The organizing committee could reject unsuitable conference topics or improperly made abstracts.